Here is a blog of, of course, poems. Free meaningful poems that I've created packed up in a volume-like format.
Each poem will get its own post, so I have decided that the volumes (each a different topic) will be in the form of labels. So if a love poem is labeled 'love' than it will appear on the love labels section, in other words that poem will be in the love volume. Understand? Well if you don't just look around and soon you will get it. Besides, this blog's about poems so enough with all this technical stuff and lets start to read. Oh and to add on, a poem can be on more than one volume if it has many topics in its meaning.
The volumes I have in mind are; Life, Friends, Love, Hope, Anger, Regret, War, Enemies, Happiness, Sorrow; and more, you'll see as this blog advances.
You can access the poems using the volume links to the left
Notice: All posts are given the date of the blog start. So those of you who think that the blog is not being updated, it is being updated.
Notice - 3/10/08 - New month! Well, I've got some bad news, I'll be gone off for a trip overseas for about a month so that means updates won't be coming in as fast as usual. So when I can I'll update but if not, then farewell for a month!